Emergency Preparedness or Hoarding: How to NOT Overdo Your Emergency Preparations

The topic’s title is almost like an oxymoron adage to fight or flight. You're baffled by the calamity that has fallen upon you. You run about the house frantically. You hit and run furniture and walls as they fade out of sight. Life tragedies are certainly not for the faint-hearted. Only those who can respond with readiness can overcome alarming situations. The blog’s title shows us two disparate scenarios:

1. Promptly acting during an emergency

2. How not to overload your space with needless kits and supplies.

Hoarding excess stuff only overkill time. Such life-changing junctures are moments when hearts and brains balance themselves on life's precarious scale. Who knows what happens next? So, you better be prepared!

Therefore, read this before you’re overwhelmed by any heart-wrenching situation and see life slipping out of your hands. It’s quite unusual to see emergency instances break out during the most tranquil times. Close your eyes to the cartons and boxes oozing out from the attics and rooms. Only pick the essential supplies when the hell breaks loose amid the futile hedonistic excess.


What is Preparedness: A Breakdown

Prompt actions are taken when life throws lemons at you; drink the juice when it’s done. There's no starting plan, though, because it happens impromptu. You must act fast. Gladly, it's not that horrendous hoarding process that takes you to no man's land. According to emergency preparedness experts, you must have 48 to 72 hours' worth of supplies. Certified medical professionals, on the other hand, extend their availability time frame to approximately three months approx. As a disaster-response equipment entity, we provide a high-grade first-aid kit at an affordable price. Our professional staff ensures you get the supplies you need when you’re cut short of time.

Emergency Preparedness Avert Certain Disasters

If we talk about disasters on a bigger scale, the survival ratios tend to fluctuate. Here, making decisions must be the top priority of the local government and city mayors. They must act quickly, given the uncontainable crisis outburst. First-aid respondents, nurses, and doctors are alerted beforehand. Remember, there's no room for hoarding at hospitals. Neither is there time for trial and error. The stretchers carrying patients should glide between in-patient rooms and emergency wards, undeterred.

Moreover, government officials walk on their toes as they devise multiple emergency plans. These include earthquake-zone building codes, preventive flood measures, and security checkpoints. All in all, they create a full-fledged strategy to overcome worst-case scenarios.

Emergency preparedness becomes mandatory mostly when natural disasters hit, market recessions befall, and economic woes occur.


Preparation Can Save Lives

Access to clean water is pivotal. It ensures people’s thirst is satiated to some extent who are trapped under the rubble. The shortage of water means they can die due to dehydration. Picturing such an abysmal scenario is enough to run our mouths dry. Thankfully, we cannot only pray – but also prepare for such an unwelcoming event.

Remember, timely emergency preparedness is like getting a second chance in life. The running body of the country creates escape exits and evacuation routes. It also admits people to rehabilitation centers until they fully recover. Food and medication are the two vital supplies necessary at these dire moments.


Early Preparation Reduce Fears

Remaining heedless of dreadful situations further adds a blanket to the blackouts in broad daylight. Having an emergency action plan means you're already winning as your fears subdue themselves. Before psychological effects take a toll, reducing uncertainty levels is better. You win half the battle already if you have no fears during tense moments. Entropy Survival is here to light up your way and give you the right direction when life seems to be crumbling like bread.


The Hoarding Mentality: A Tragedy Before Collapse

Hoarding, in simple terms, means an excessive accumulation of things, often to the extent that it disturbs your daily routine. Not only is it a waste of money, but time that can never be cashed back once gone. Hoarding affects around 2% to 5% of the total US population. Men are more likely to keep their boxes chockful of unwanted items.


Hoarding causes Mental Health Implications

Voraciously grabbing unneeded stuff for another day is like a parasite that takes over your house. Although it may seem to suck dust out of floors and walls, it’s not the case. Instead, you undergo mental stress – and eventually – health issues take over. Anxiety disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder are the two main culprits. Other risk factors include personality disorders, hoarding history in the family, and life-changing events.


The Bottom Line

Buying surplus daily essentials and commodities for the house is okay. You just have to strike a balance between hoarding stuff and keeping the vital items. Never buy in excess; compulsive shopping may even snatch your breathing space – your bedroom. Use your house’s space smartly. Keep up with inventory checks and read articles and blogs regarding shelf life. This helps you craft an effective emergency preparedness plan. 

Entropy Survival is here to assist you during moments of unrest. Never see your family in despairing situations ever again. Do check out our first-rate emergency kits and equipment.

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